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May 6, 2014

Paul B. Magnuson Award to Roy Bloebaum, Ph.D.

Established in 1998, this award honors the life and legacy of Paul B Magnuson, M.D., who, as a bone and joint surgeon, continuously sought new treatments and devices for assisting his patients as they faced unique situations presented by their disability. The award is presented annually to a VA RR&D investigator who exemplifies the entrepreneurship, humanitarianism, and dedication to veterans displayed by Dr. Magnuson during his career.

Roy D. Bloebaum, Ph.D.
Director, Bone and Joint Research Laboratory, VA Salt Lake City Health Care System

(Photo by Tod Peterson)

This year's Magnuson Award recipient, Roy D. Bloebaum, Ph.D., was recognized for spearheading research toward development of the next generation of prosthetics. Dr. Bloebaum's team of multidisciplinary investigators has been advancing rehabilitative health care for Veterans who have undergone joint replacement or limb loss. Much of their work focuses on osseointegrated devices, which allow attachment of prostheses directly to a patient's bone, thereby eliminating the need for socket technology. These implants therefore offer tremendous hope to many Veterans who, due to the nature of their limb loss, cannot be fitted for conventional prostheses that rely on socket technology. Two years ago, the FDA selected Dr. Bloebaum's team to conduct an early feasibility study to implant such devices in 10 Veterans with limb loss at the VA Salt Lake City Healthcare System.

Bloebaum: " I decided to become a researcher because discovery on behalf of the advancement of patient care is rewarding. As a former USAF Pararescueman (PJ) it is even more rewarding to know that the discoveries are helping Veterans and current warfighters improving the quality of their lives. The Pararescue motto is, 'So that others may live.' I still believe in that motto."

To learn more about the Magnuson Award, and for a list of previous recipients, see

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