VAIRRS provides dashboards that offer users customized and tailored data, metrics, analytics, and decision-making tools.
- Consolidated overview of the research data
- Ability to run custom reports for data analysis and reporting
- Ability to leverage data for decision-making
- Easy data auditing capabilities
Current Dashboards available to the field:
- National Researcher Dashboard
We are pleased to announce the newest addition to the dashboard portfolio. The National Researcher Dashboard was published in October 2022 for all VA researchers. As a researcher, you will have the necessary tools to search the national IRBNet dataset for active research projects. The National Researcher Dashboard is located here.
Reminder: If you have not already requested access to your facility's dashboard, you can request access here. Please submit all feedback to
- Field Staff Dashboard
Data integrity continued to improve in August. The "Data Integrity" page on the Field Staff Reporting (FSR) Dashboard provides each VAIRRS site with the data and tools to ensure the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and reliability of their program’s data. Last month, with the support of the FSR Dashboard, Research and Development Committee (RDC) status flags decreased by 32% and Institutional Review Board (IRB) risk level issues decreased by 52%.
Our goal is to reduce all flags and issues within the system to ensure VA researchers have access to the most accurate data. On average, research facilities have four RDC status flags and three IRB risk level issues. Help us improve data integrity. Please continue to review any overall project status flags on an ongoing basis and send them to reviewers or committees to make the necessary updates. Visit the FSR Dashboard and use the left-hand navigation section to see your site's "Data Integrity" page.
You can request access to your facility’s dashboard here (VA network only).
Reminder: Once your access is approved, please refer to this link for access.
Sample dashboard of local facility
COVID-19 Research Dashboard
As of January 23, 2024, there are 969 active projects related to COVID-19 research taking place at 81 VA Medical Centers across the country.
The projects submitted to VAIRRS can be easily tracked via our COVID-19 Research Dashboard. The COVID-19 Research Dashboard allows users to search studies by specific topic and/or location.
The COVID-19-related projects submitted to the VAIRRS platform support and advance VA's clinical and research missions, ultimately helping Veterans affected by the disease.
Do you have ideas for improving the field dashboards? Do you have a request for a new dashboard development for your team? Please submit your suggestions to the VAIRRS Dashboard team using the online form at (VA network access only).
- Who can have access to Dashboards?
Any VA employee can request access to a VAIRRS Dashboard.
- How is the data for my facility being used?
VAIRRS uses the data in the dashboards for regular reporting, leadership briefs and decision making. The VAIRRS goal is to create a trustworthy authoritative data set so that the data in the dashboards can also be leveraged for auditing purposes.
- Where does the data in the dashboards come from?
Most of the data in the dashboards is pulled from the data and wizards in IRBNet. If a dashboard is pulling data from an additional source, it will be defined in the VAIRRS data dictionary.
- How often is the data in dashboards refreshed?
The data in the dashboards are updated on a weekly basis and updates from the prior week will reflect on the following Monday.
- If a site has a multi-site IRB, will they have access to the studies reviewed for other sites in the Field Staff Dashboard?
Individuals should only have access to the studies reviewed at their own site.