ePROS - Enterprise Protections, Regulatory, Outreach, and Systems
The purpose of ePROS is to contribute to the VA Research Enterprise mission of improving Veterans lives through research by:
- Ensuring the protection of the public, research staff, human participants, and animals in VA conducted research through policy, education, risk assessment, and mitigation.
- Developing and managing VHA’s research regulatory policies.
- Coordinating, prioritizing, and evaluating research education and training.
- Developing, coordinating and managing the enterprise-wide access to central research repositories and digital research systems (e.g., IT, data, and repository resources).
- Ensuring the protection of VA's intellectual property and enabling commercialization efforts.
- Overseeing counterintelligence efforts to safeguard our Veterans’ data and VA’s research investment.
- Managing electronic health record sustainment and implementation.
About our Leadership
Current list of Associate Chiefs of Staff for R&D (ACOS/R&D) and Administrative Officers (AO) at VA Medical Centers can be found at the National ACOS/R&D and AO Directory.